Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My own Lea Frisoni "Maison Miniature!"

For Christmas every year my mother always gives me a crisp $50 dollar bill.  This year I decided to invest it in real estate....
This is the base of my soon-to-be "beautiful" French house re: Lea Frisoni.  I received the English version of her book"Le Grand Livre de la Maison Miniature" or in English "Big book of a Miniature House" for Christmas from my DIL Sarah and had to get started right away.  Owing to the fact that the lumber yards were shut until 2 days ago, I don't think I am doing bad. I have ordered the limewood stripping for the floor from Australia as it is not sold in Canada and used up a little chunk of my dollhouse savings account to order light fittings as I will be needing them right away.

I am still planning on finishing my little Georgian townhouse as I have finally bought the required base boarding (I seem to be cutting twice and it is always too short) so with supervision it should be done fairly soon.  I am not convinced that the lighting doesn't need some attention so I will attend to that first.

Anyhow, here is my progress thus far.  Colour me tickled pink!!

Here is a picture of my long suffering husband toiling over the miniature scroll saw, bless him.  He was complaining today that dollhouse construction wasn't in the marriage contract, but he didn't read the small print!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy Christmas 2014!

Hope you found time to enjoy the Christmas season amongst all the holiday shopping and preparations.  It is boxing day here in wintery Canada, a day which is recognized both here and in parts of Europe but I don't believe in the United States.

 Arguably the best day of the year for shopping for post Christmas bargains. This year we gave all the children gift cards which I must admit was much easier than the countless hours previously spent scouring the malls for that perfect gift to delight.  So today we have five little grandbabies to babysit whilst their parents are at the shops.  No good deed goes unpunished LOL.

I must admit that my lack of computer skills is proving to be increasingly problematic.  I accidentally hit the update button on my ipad and now find myself really struggling to do the things I used to be able to do.  I can no longer post pictures from my flickr to my blog, hence the lack of updates to my blog and really makes paying for a photo sharing website ridiculous.  Anyhow, I have figured a way 
to do this old school until I can get a kid over here to help me.

In the above picture I wanted to  showcase my Stokesay ware including my "Merry Christmas to me, from me" new Stokesay ware Chelsea plates with sterling silver galley.  I ordered them in the Imari colours and I am so pleased. They are just perfect!

Yesterday I received  from my daughter-in-law Sarah, the English version of Lea Frisoni's book "The Big Book of a Miniature Dollhouse" needless to say I was thrilled.  I had bought the French version and few years back and have been waiting for Amazon to send my pre-ordered copy of the English version for a few months now with no release date in sight.  Needless to say I have cancelled my order since I am now the proud owner of this beautiful book which I can read without the help of google translator.

Sorry for the long post, hope everyone had a happy Christmas and have a safe and joyous New Year. I wish you all the very best!!!!!